Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So I was watching Obama's state of the union last night with the family. The baby (MP) slept through it but to get My Love (ML) to watch it, that took a little doing. For whatever reason, I feel like it's something important, for Americans to sit down and have a shared experience as a nation. Kind of like with the Olympics, but more often than every 4 years, and about something other than sports.

I love this country. It's something that I have in common with my brother, Day Trader (DT). In our left-leaning, hyper-liberal circle of friends, it's not a common trait at all, having pride in the US of A. It's not like DT and I don't have share the left leaning politics of our friends. We want electric cars, universal health care, abortion on demand, homo marriage, and a ban on whale murder just like everyone else. It's just that we recognize how amazing this country has been to even the people around us who disparage it with every breath.

I know that there's a lot wrong with this country. I really do. I just think that sometimes, it's pretty amazing what kind of creativity and innovation that's possible. People going from nothing to everything. I see it around me all the time.


So I tried to do some writing at work on Christmas Day 2010:

"So this will be my first experiment in writing blog posts from work. Today is December the 25th, Christmas 2010. My daughter MP is one week old today (MP are her initials). I type this sitting in the CAT scan trailer parked outside the ambulance bay of the hospital.

One week ago today, at 1 am, ML’s water broke. Unfortunately, my sinuses had been clogged from earlier on that day and at the time of water breaking, I was a couple hours in to a lovely benadryl induced haze. ML woke me up and somehow I convinced her to let me sleep another 30 minutes. Apparently early labor has nothing on the dysphoria that arises from messing with my benadryl haze.

But eventually my sense and ML’s anxiety got the better of me and off I went to get our zipcar to drive us off to the posh hospital just the next state over where MP would come into being.

There are things that I want to remember about the birth. For instance, the soundtrack. For whatever it means, the music we listened to on the way to the hospital was Jack Johnson. When the pitocin was really starting to kick in and up through to the epidural, it was Lemon Jelly’s During active labor during the child’s first moments here in the world, the album was Smashing Pumpkins’ Siamese Dream. And to calm the infant child during the first few days in the hospital, either Pinback or Jack Johnson seemed to work wonders."

People are always trying to remind me and ML about how they grow up so fast. Today MP is 5 and a half weeks old. And in just that brief time, I understand what people are saying to me. The time goes so fast because every moment is just so precious. It's really amazing. I'm not sure it's something I ever could have understood prior to having this baby. It's something I definitely can't put properly into words. I will try though...