Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hippie Moms

So I met DT very early on in medical school by way of ultimate frisbee. There was a regular pick-up game with the medical students where we met and hit it off immediately. One of my first memories of DT was a time in the student lounge when he came in and noticed a partially eaten sandwich in the trash. As he was hungry, he picked it out of the garbage, brushed off the ants and proceeded to eat the sandwich. At that moment, I knew we were going to be tight.

And as you can probably tell, DT and I were never quite properly civilized. This probably has at least something to do with parenting. DT's father, we refer to as Evil Empire. Evil Empire is so called because he divorced DT's mother, remarried, had new kids, and later got a dog that got the love that DT so rightfully deserved. This is the extent of the Evil Empire. The dog has prosthetic testicles and gets more love from Evil Empire than DT. I feel there might be something wrong with that. Evil Empire also may have organized a fake break-in when DT was growing up that led to the disappearance of the child DT's prized baseball cards. Like Rick James would say, cold-blooded.

So aside from complete disregard for conventions of what should be considered safe for consumption; what I'm trying to say is that DT and I shared a search for parent figures in our lives.

Hippie Moms was also a medical student and another regular at frisbee. I never really inquired too deeply into her past, but she was a little bit older than we were. She had her own father issues and my impression was that she came to America from France with her Mom as a kid to escape her father. She always struck me as someone who had to grow up faster than maybe she should have. In any case she she was to become the grown-up figure in my and DT's life.

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