Monday, May 4, 2009

1000 days...

If you go to certain job sites, they have a sign posted that claims a certain number of days without an on the job accident. Somehow we got the bright idea to chronicle DT's length of days without getting his socks blown. So while he lived with me, outside his bedroom door, there was a white board, and every so often, the days were added up and a new tally was made. Amazing everybody, he made it to 1000 days. He actually made it way past that, but I think the 1000 is impressive enough.

There's a phrase that I like; involuntary celibacy. Well I don't like that the concept exists and is real. But I do like that there's such a good term to describe it. I'm not going to lie and say it's never happened to me. Happens if I can't get my ashes hauled for more than a few days. And it feels bad. I'm not exactly sure why it feels bad, but I do plan to expand on the idea in the coming life of this blog.

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