Sunday, May 10, 2009

We ain't gay!

So Hippie Moms didn't particularly care for men. Sort of hated men actually. Aside from being hippie, she's also staunchly feminist and formerly gay. DT and I are not in any strict sense of the word, at all gay. But we get that all the time. I sort of understand the logic. DT is a thin, blonde guy with certain peculiar mannerisms that seems to light up on gaydar all the time. Myself, I graduated with a bachelors in theatre and have an unnatural love for dancing and fashion. But we do not find any appeal in having sex with men. This seems to bother DT that people keep finding him gay. This probably has a lot to do with that fact that gay guys try to pick him up on the subway all the time. Fortunately this doesn't happen to me as I think it takes some time to find out a little bit about me and jump to the conclusion that I might be a friend of dorothy. As opposed to DT where it's more of a snap judgement.

Personally, I find it sort of amusing when my flirting crosses over a certain point and I see a girl's reaction trying to piece together why this gay guy might actually be trying to have sex with her. It also amuses me just that people are so sure that I must be homo that I sort of just have to play along so that I don't disappoint them. I've been trying to be more honest in my life, but sometimes it's just hard when people have these stereotypes about you that are so encompassing and so wrong.

I was in the hospital a while ago and we were discussing about plans for the evening and what we all might be doing. I mentioned a club where I often go to dance and one of the other doctors asked me if the club was gay or gay-friendly. I didn't have the heart to deconstruct her whole idea of me, so I just had to tell her that it was all the way gay, and breeders like herself and her boyfriend just weren't welcome.

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