Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Laziest People on the Planet

So like I've said, I don't really have a good grasp on how the general public views physicians. Since my parents are doctors, I've always known that doctors are just as full of shit as everyone else.

Recently though, I've been thinking a lot about why it is that my colleagues represent some of the laziest fucking bastards I've ever met in my entire life. I mean, even for me, when I think about doctors and people who go to medical school, I think about hard-working, driven, motivated type people. But for some reason, I'm surrounded by people who, in the style of George Costanza, would do end-over-end contortions of unreasonable proportions just to get out of doing work.

Anyways, unlike a lot of questions I've had in my life, this question has very real answers.

I suppose the first answer is that this laziness is something I see in my fellow resident physicians. Resident physicians are held to a pretty ridiculously high standard in terms of what needs to be accomplished in the course of a day, and what may be seen as lazy by medical residency standards, may be a pretty standard work day for the average guy on the street. So maybe I can't judge my coworkers too harshly.

Also, there's that whole thing by which communism fails at work in the residency culture. "From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need." as Karl Marx would say. Which is basically another way of saying that you get punished for doing a good job and rewarded for doing shitty work. So I try to do a good job, day in and day out. And as people have realized that I'm capable of carrying more than my fair share, I keep getting harder and harder assignments with teams consisting of weaker and weaker people. Which is the whole thing where laziness seems to get rewarded. The work needs to get done and dumb-shits like me are caught running around picking up the slack.

Alrighty, I think I'm starting to get a little too much into rant mode. So maybe I'll cut this one short. Or maybe I'll come back to write some more on the subject.



    this guy is going to muay thai the shit out of you


  3. i think this is true in any job that involves teamwork. for example, i have a friend that works as designer for a well known apparel company. since she is perceived as someone who is hardworking and good at dealing with difficult people, she gets put on teams with ever lazier and more psycho people.
